How To Turn Fashion Week Into A Business Model - The Victoria Magrath Way

How To Turn Fashion Week Into A Business Model - The Victoria Magrath Way

A wise insider once said …’Fashion Week isn't just about the glitz & the glamour; it's a goldmine, waiting to be tapped by anyone who dares’... and if you’re on your way to making this truth your reality, then who better to learn from than those who have already played their dare… and won.

I think it’s about time we unravelled the success stories of those who have transformed those Fashion Week runways into a major percentage of their collective revenue, don’t you?

And what better place to start than In The Frow (literally & figuratively).

Hold on to your Montblanc dear Trendsettr... looks like it’s time to take notes…

With an impressive social media following of 1.3 million on Instagram and 933K subscribers on YouTube (to date), Victoria Magrath's influence transcends geographical boundaries, with dedicated followers worldwide.

Armed with a PhD in fashion, her digital reign began in 2012 with the inception of her award winning blog, 'In the Frow'. This platform served as the cornerstone for her success, becoming a go-to destination for fashion enthusiasts seeking insights into the latest trends & beauty tips.

The depth of Victoria's commitment to her craft is evident in her YouTube channel, where over 1000 videos showcase her dedication to providing quality, engaging and highly informative content.

Victoria Magrath's trajectory through the world of Fashion Week is nothing short of extraordinary.

From the front rows of university lecture halls, to the front rows of the reigning names in fashion, Victoria's been busy leaving her trendsetting mark on the luxury fashion scene, from season to season.


‘So… how did V do it?’, I hear you say…

1. Connections - Central to Victoria's success is her ability to strategically cultivate collaborations and partnerships... and make them last. Leveraging relationships forged during her early days as a fashion blogger, she has solidified her presence with the luxury fashion realm. This not only underscores her influence on the social media scene, but also illuminates her skill at monetising these experiences. In order to do things V’s way, you'll have to network, network, network! Build up your circle of influence & leverage any existing contacts, alongside cultivating new ones, as often as possible. Attend fashion events, DM influencer & PR agencies, connect with brands and make a name for yourself. V’s background in fashion was a bonus, but with enough grit and determination there’s no reason why you can’t acquire the connections required to make it big in the fashion industry.

2. Content - Beyond the luminous lights of the front row, Victoria strategically leverages her presence throughout each Fashion Week season. Through meticulous vlogging, she transforms her experiences into captivating content, offering her audience an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into the fast-paced world of fashion. These masterfully edited videos, filled with insights, fashion highlights and candid moments, not only solidify her status as a trusted style influencer, but also serve as a lucrative avenue for partnerships & collaborations. Want to follow in V's footsteps? Building authenticity through your content is key. Longform videos (particularly on YouTube), are difficult and time consuming to remain consistent with. However, once you get them right & attract an audience of your own, your Fashion Week appearances will start to pay for themselves.

3.Collaborations - Victoria's ability to seamlessly integrate sponsored content, product placements & affiliate marketing within her Fashion Week narratives, clearly demonstrates a harmonious fusion of authenticity & effective brand collaboration. Her longstanding relationships with PRs and brands, has helped to open doors to branded opportunities, exclusive invitations & coveted collaborations, further enhancing the monetisation potential of her binge-worthy Fashion Week escapades. Word to the wise? Maintain a reputable personal brand and make yourself marketable to the brands you want to work with. And when you do receive a paid partnership request? Make sure it’s executed in a way that will keep both your clients and your audience coming back for more. Your social media is also your portfolio, so use those squares and stories to show who you are & exactly what your personal brand is worth.


And all of this has always been underlined by two significant factors... Victoria's professional background and her unrelenting drive. V's fashion expertise may have gone some way into launching her into the industry, but it was her drive and passion that propelled her to her dazzling heights. 

If there’s one thing I’ve known about Victoria from the very beginning?

She has a clear direction & she undoubtedly knows her worth.

In a revealing interview, Victoria shared the intricacies of her behind-the-scenes dealings with brands and PRs, stating, "The relationships with PRs/brands are ongoing throughout the seasons, but for the intimate details such as dressing and invites to the shows themselves, the conversations start weeks or usually days before and lead right up to the day of the presentations."

This level of commitment & meticulous planning, serves as the foundation of her success in the competitive realm of fashion influencing.

Navigating the intense world of Fashion Week demands more than an eye for style; it necessitates self-discipline, organisational expertise & a genuine love for the industry.

Victoria openly discusses the challenges she faces during Fashion Week, shedding light on the pressure that accompanies attending three shows a day while concurrently maintaining a consistent posting schedule and engaging in international travel.

In her appearances on podcasts such as the Emma Guns Show - Victoria's shared invaluable insights into turning passions into a career. Her candid discussions provide a rare glimpse into the strategic mindset that has propelled her to the forefront of this industry.

It doesn’t take more than a watch & a listen or two, to understand exactly how Victoria’s become such a well respected icon, on the Fashion Week scene - creating aspirational content, whilst still finding a way to be relatable & staying true to her authentic self.

Following in Victoria’s red bottomed footsteps certainly won’t be easy - but it might just help you on your way to being In The Frow..  one well strategised step at a time.


You know you love me...



Image Credit | @victoria