Fashion Influencer Claire Rose Cliteur Co-Hosts Varley Influencer Brand Trip In The South of France

Fashion Influencer Claire Rose Co-Hosts Varley Influencer Brand Trip In The South of France

Spotted on the French Riviera - a certain entrepreneurial fashion darling, co-hosting her first ever influencer brand trip.
Word is?
Claire Rose Cliteur, together with the contemporary fashion label Varley, turned Côte d’Azur into their very own private members club, to toast the launch of all their latest styles of the season.
With the endless outfit possibilities the Club & Riviera Summer collections are made of; it’s no wonder social media’s elite made a space in their ootd diaries for this one.
And according to one of my many sources?
Claire Rose made for the perfect host.
@xoxotsumi, @paulanata, @cassdimicco, @mathildegoehler, and @emitaz were amongst those all immaculately dressed in Varley, led on a journey through Madame Cliteur’s personal favourites, to experience all that the iconic destination has to offer.
I can’t think of a better way to establish one’s brand as the talk of the town.
And when the reigning monarch of New York society Lily van der Woodsen herself, leaves a ‘Love 🤍💫’ note?
You might want to take that as the sign of all signs, to strap on your literal (or virtual) Manolos… and shop til you drop 😏


Image Credit | @clairerose