Youtuber and Phlur Founder Chriselle Lim Hosts IRL Community Brunch At Eataly LA

Chriselle Lim Hosts IRL Community Brunch At Eataly LA

Spotted at Eataly LA - Chriselle Lim in the midst of a few, well-ladened breakfast tables. But this wasn't just the average brunch affair…
As always, C had something a whole lot more meaningful up her stylish sleeve...
On the guest list were 25 of her most loyal  followers (along with their +1s) - from fellow entrepreneurs to multitasking stay at home mums & on-the-go professionals.
Word is?
Beyond, hosting this unexpected IRL gathering - Chriselle curated an unforgettable experience for her inner circle, filled with heartfelt laughter & love.
Artisanal coffee, avocado toast, velvety cakes & a tête-à-tête with the iconic Chriselle?
Sounds like the stuff online community dreams are made of.
And as if all that wasn't fabulous enough?
The fortunate few, handpicked from the inner sanctum that is Chriselle’s ‘DMs From Chris’, Instagram broadcast channel, didn’t just leave with full hearts (and equally full bellies) - they also left with their hands full... full of bags filled with a coveted selection of Chriselle’s latest Phlur fragrances that is.

Talk about a scent-sational farewell!


Image Credit | @chrisellelim